SUMMER EXPERIENCE 2021The Community Academy has an educational philosophy that enables young people to be curious inquirers into their natural and social surroundings. Students are mindfully engaged community members working creatively and collaboratively to identify and solve problems. They think reflectively and are purposeful and effective communicators. Our Summer Experiences enable students to exhibit behaviors consistent with these goals. COVID-19 safety measures will follow CDC guidelines.
The Iowa Arboretum
June 30th – July 2nd
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Bus Transportation Was Provided from Ames to The Iowa Arboretum and Ledges State Park.

- Hiking woodland, water, and prairie trails at Iowa Arboretum and Ledges State Park
- Wetland Exploration
- Collaborating with local groups (The Iowa Wildlife Center)
- Exploring local history and ethics (native Americans, a pioneer gravesite, etc.)
- A service project
- Outdoor mindfulness practice and reflection time
- Gardening
- Friday Night (July 2nd) ) Overnight Camping (optional for families)
- Wildlife viewing (frog calls, beaver ponds, owl, bats, etc.)
- Astronomy (weather dependent)
- Campfire and cooking
- Overnight camping
The Octagon in Ames
July 5th – 7th
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Bus Transportation Was Provided

- Explore urban ecology (bats, birds, etc.) and do something to improve their habitat near downtown Ames
- Collaboration with City of Ames on Bioretention Cell Management
- Exploring rivers and water resources in our community (Peterson Pits)
- Service project at the Octagon – helping to renovate their outdoor space so they can offer summer art programs to kids in our community.
- Build Wooden Raised Beds
- Plant edible plants as well as non-native and native flowering plants
- Visit downtown historic sites
- Create art (Trash weaving, clay sculptures, design your own button, etc.)
- Visit public art and local art galleries